> This Whole Online Thing <

Hi! We're Simon and Mikkel.

We're on a quest to make this whole online thing... in lack of a better word, better.

We're process designers, facilitators and culture nerds. We're passionate about weaving the art of designing experiences into whatever we do — be it workshops, conferences or live events.

We are Kaospilots. Here is Mikkels Linkedin and here is Simons. We also love being emailed, please reach us here: mikkel@kaopilot.dk (mikkel), ahlgren@kaospilot.dk (simon).

We are conducting a research project and developing a framework to support better connection, collaboration, co-creation — WORK, online. We are currently engaging in a Participatory Narrative Inquiry cycle and are on the lookout for participants with any kind of experience of being online and a wish to improve it.

//Simon & Mikkel